Thursday, 13 August 2009

Risks & Changes

Sometimes in life, you've just got to take a risk, jump in with both feet & sink or swim . . . .

Life would be safe if we never took any risks; safe but dull. We all need a bit of excitement in life & if we don't take any risks, we don't get the chance to discover the heights we're really capable of. And for me, that seems sad. Sad to think of a life not lived to its full potential. But how many of us do just that; plod along in the same job, same relationships, same way of living, just because it's become a habit or because they're afraid to make the changes. Change, any kind of change is a risk, but sometimes a risk can be the start of something big . . .

And I guess that's what I'm hoping for now. I've just dropped the number of hours that I'm employed as a counsellor, & am taking a risk on myself & my own private practice and training / workshop provision. It's scary, yet very liberating to be less dependent on an employing organisation for my salary; & to have to accept more respononsibility for myself, my career & earnings. It's up to me now to push & promote myself, to take that risk on it all falling apart. But the thrill of achieving more and achieving it all by my own efforts more than outway the potential risks or the sense of dependency.

As I grow, I realise how much more responsibility I'm prepared to take for myself and my own life. I don't want to be dependent on others for my happiness, my achievements, my life. It's up to me to choose the way I want to live my life and & it's up to me to do what I need to do to get there. No one else will do it for me.

I think that's an important lesson we can all learn; to take responsiblity for ourselves & our lives & to not give that power to anyone else. I spent too much of my earlier life living in a way so as to please other people & fulfill what I perceived their expectations were of me. I'd like to think that I'm leaving that tendency behind & that I'm living more & more the life that I choose to live . . . & how much more satisfying my life is now.

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