Thursday, 25 March 2010

Frustration; life's growth opportunity

Grrr!!! Aaagh!! And any other way of communicating frustration!!

Today has been a VERY frustrating day for me. So many things just seem to have either gone wrong or have ended up taking so much longer than they should have; so it feels like I've never stopped all day today & yet I feel like I've achieved nothing of value.

How often does this happen to us all in life though? How often does it feel like we're wasting time chasing things up, sitting at the end of phone lines just waiting in a queue, or attempting to do things which, no matter how much you seem to be doing what's expected of you, just doesn't produce the results it 'should'?

Yet, isn't that just part of life? Life doesn't always go according to plan, or to how we'd like it to be. Sometimes, life just throws unexpected things at you, which yes; can be frustrating, can be annoying, can be disappointing.

But isn't the important thing, how we cope with these things? We can all make plans & think about how we'd like things to work out, but life's not that straight forward. We, as individuals, have no control over the external things, people, organisations, etc., that impact on our lives. All that we can control & have any power over is how we deal with those things. We can allow them to impact upon us negatively & dwell upon the negative feelings we experience, OR, we can accept that sometimes, things happen to us which aren't ideal or which hurt, upset, annoy, frustrate us.

We can choose to learn from these experiences. Accept that life is ultimately uncontrollable; yet for me, that's what also makes it so exciting. The unpredictability of life excites and ignites me. Life keeps trying to catch me out, but I won't let it; whenever it throws something at me that blocks my path or demolishes my crossing, I'll simply find a grenade to blast away the blockage or I'll build another bridge & establish a more effective way of crossing the river. And from each of these knocks back & their following steps forward, I'll learn something & I'll grow, and I'll be so much stronger to face whatever life chooses to throw at me next.

Life, for me, is a constant process of growth and development. Make the most of the knock backs; be grateful to them & choose to see them as learning opportunities & growth experiences. All of which ultimately make life more interesting, more exciting & can make us, as individuals, stronger, more empowered human beings.

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