In many ways, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are days like every other in the year … one day turning into night turning into another day. And yet on 31st December each year of the Gregorian calendar, many people around the world will celebrate that natural phenomenon. New Year is a man-made construct. The world continues turning just as it always does every day. Man created the calendar; man created the concept of time in an attempt to bring order to our increasingly civilised lives around the changes of the natural world.
It can quite a melancholic time of year too as we reflect on the people, loves, pets, and other things that have been lost throughout the year. A lot can change in a person’s life from the midnight chimes of one New Year’s Day to another and it can sometimes be difficult or even painful, to reflect on those changes. Conversely, it can be a time of celebration of a year of achievements, happiness, love and good things experienced.
The ending of one year and beginning of a new one can also be a time of hope and optimism as people look forward to good things they hope to achieve or experience. A new year can feel like a clean page in a book, just waiting to be filled with happy tales & images. And I guess this is where people would write their New Year Resolutions … hopes, goals and aims for the year ahead. For some people, these resolutions will be fulfilled; for others they turn into disappointments when they’re unable to live up to the goals they’ve set for themselves.
For myself, I like the opportunity to stand where I am right now today; to look over my shoulder at the year gone by and to decide which learnings from the previous twelve months to bring with me and which things to leave behind. To also look forward in the direction in which I’m heading and to catch a glimpse or two of the experiences ahead of me in the coming year. An exciting place to be as we can never know what the future holds for us. We can make plans and resolutions, but sometimes life has other ideas for us … & that’s both scary an exciting.
I’m looking forward with excitement and anticipation to whatever 2012 has in store for me. I intend to make the most of the opportunities I can create for myself and to negotiate as best I can the detours life might just choose to lead me on.
Wishing you all a fulfilling, growthful and satisfying 2012, x