Welcome to my first blog post on here!
I've been writing on 'Therapy, Thought & Learning' for the last 3 years or so, but due to my professional interests expanding as I head towards the end of my PhD, I'm thinking about where I head next ...
I'm currently developing a new website, 'Therapy (& other Things) with Sharon' which will go live very soon and I wanted to ensure that my website & blog can be easily connected.
I've imported my entries from 'Therapy, Thought & Learning' into here (see below / in the archive), so that I don't lose anything I've already written. This blog will be a continuation of my writing from there as I continue to reflect on life, therapy, and embodied experiencing ...
It's not always easy for me to find time to write regular blog posts as I try to squash in completing my PhD, my private practice, working for the NHS, my musical interests (& my life!!) but I'm going to try to write more regularly ... & hopefully that will become easier in time!
I'll look forward to sharing more of my reflections with you ... & any comments you'd like to make about anything I write will be very, very welcome ...
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