It helps that I like all of the natural and unprocessed foods I'm eating and I'm feeling satisfied by them I can also honestly say that I've not missed red wine or chocolate; the two things which created panic in me the day before I embarked on the plan. A couple of times, I thought about a glass of wine, but what I've recognised is that each of those times were following stressful situations. My default mode had become to have a glass of wine to relax or reward myself. And yet each time, I knew I couldn't have that glass of wine, and I was okay with it. The thought entered my head, I turned it away, and got on with other things ... not even thinking about that wine again.
For me this has parallels to eating disordered experiences. An individual feeling unsettled and out of control within themselves and their lives, often turns to food as a way to feel in control of something. When we can't control our external circumstances or inner feelings, we can control the food we allow into our bodies, & consequently control our bodies. Alternatively, feeling out of control can be mirrored in out of control eating behaviours; resorting to unhealthy foods, bingeing, purging, etc.
I've had an interesting experience over the last few days though. I attended a workshop over the weekend which was outside of my comfort zone and left me feeling unsettled. My cat has also needed to have treatment at the vets which has added stress and upheaval in my home. And although I've continued to stick to the plan easily, what I realised is that I'd stopped planning ahead. I got to Monday morning, and realised I had nothing 'proper' in for breakfast. I got up this morning & realised I didn't have anything to go with my salad to take to work.
Feeling unsettled and out of my comfort zone had left me feeling disorganised and out of control. And because I felt this way within myself, I let go of the control around my eating plan and gave no thought to the organisation it requires.
And although I no longer resort to eating disordered behaviours, I see that I still experience connections between how I feel within / about myself and my eating practices. Feeling unsettled within myself led to me letting go of the organisation and forethought needed for my plan. And although I've still been able to stick with it, I recognise that previously, times like the last few days would have been the times when I reached for the comfort foods, for the easy, quick options, giving no real thought to the foods I was eating.
Subjective experiencing of self can be mirrored in eating practices ...
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