Sunday, 13 January 2013

Inspired Motivation ...

Two weeks into the New Year, and I suspect many peoples’ New Year’s Resolutions will already be beginning to flounder or indeed, already have gotten lost …
It can be difficult to maintain the motivation to continue with these kinds of resolutions or plans to change.  It’s a topic I often work with with my clients.  It’s easy to come up with things to do to improve yourself, your situation or your life; what’s not so easy is maintaining the effort it takes to put these plans into practice.

As humans, we seem too ready to give up on things that take effort.  Any big change requires effort; it doesn’t often happen spontaneously.  It’s too easy to focus on the sacrifices or effort required in the here and now & not think about the long term gain.  It’s too easy to procrastinate and put off until ‘tomorrow’ what could have been done today; but tomorrow never comes & suddenly years have passed and the person is still stuck in the original position.  It’s too easy to find easier or more enjoyable things to do & put off the task that requires the effort.

But then you don’t achieve the goals you made and you’re left with a personal sense of dissatisfaction, frustration and often failure.  And you’re left in the same place as where you started …

This topic is on my mind right now because 2013 is the year in which I intend to write up my PhD thesis; all 100,000 words of it!  If I need to, I could allow it to take me into 2014 and even the first half of 2015.  But I don’t want it to drag on that long; I want to get all of my research written up and disseminated as soon as possible.  I’ve been working on it since 2008 and it’s been a huge part of my life since then.  It’s become part of me!  It’s always there at the side of my mind, no matter what I’m doing or who I’m with.  And it’s time to begin the process of letting it go; as in a pregnancy, I’ve fed and nurtured it with vast amounts of data, this is the year in which I finally give birth to the baby which is the thesis, allowing it to begin its own journey out there in the world …

I know that the write up is going to be, at times, hugely frustrating and I’m going to want to give up, or find something ‘easier’ or more pleasurable to do.  But I need to keep focused, to organise myself so that my thesis does take priority this year; no matter what those sacrifices entail.  I will ensure that I plan fun things and relaxation time, but the thesis, and its’ completion must remain my number one focus.

Because of the extra time I could add on to the end of this year, I’m aware that my completion date has the potential to drift.  But to ensure that I remain focused and to have something to look forward to at the end of it, I’ve decided on my ‘reward.’

As human beings, we like rewards!  And if you’ve got something to do which requires a lot of time and effort, or something which you don’t really like the idea of doing, but know that you have to do it, having a ‘reward’ in mind at the end of it can be a useful strategy.  It’s good to have something positive or exciting to focus on when the task is becoming tedious or difficult.  The end reward has to be worth the sacrifice it feels you’re making, otherwise it’s too easy to just give it up.

And in my case, I know the sense of achievement I’ll feel when the thesis is written up and I have that fully bound book in my hand will be reward in itself.  But, that’s an intangible outcome, which is sometimes difficult to focus on.  As with the kinds of issues I work on with clients, their outcome in itself (overcoming an eating disorder, changing their communication style, overcoming anxiety, etc. etc) will be a huge achievement; but that’s often not enough to maintain the motivation needed to put in the required effort.  A sense of achievement, personal change, etc, are all intangible. 
Motivation can sometimes be better maintained when there is something concrete there to work towards.  A specific reward that will be given when the outcome has been achieved.  Something tangible that can be easily seen or imagined … it can be useful to have a physical picture or something that symbolises the reward at hand to look at when motivation is beginning to slip.  The more valuable the reward is to you, the more likely it is to reinforce your motivation.

So … what’s my reward to myself going to be?  Other than becoming a Doctor of Philosophy!?

A two week trip to South Africa, living on a Big Cat sanctuary, feeding, taking care of, and playing with the big cats …

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Thesis Meadow: The beginning of the end ...

Five years ago this month, back in January 2008, during my annual appraisal, my manager at work first suggested I think about completing a PhD.  It's something I'd never even considered until that day.  I'd always intended to complete a Masters Degree in Counselling, but hadn't gotten round to it ... & yet suddenly, I was contemplating the idea of a PhD!

It's been a hugely interesting journey since then and I can’t believe that this has been such a big part of my life for five years; that’s a long time!  And yet, in many ways, those five years have flown by.  So much has happened to me and the people in my life during those five years; loved ones have come and gone, new adventures have been lived and are now just memories, new learnings have taken root both within and with-out my research.  The PhD has been the one constant throughout it all.
And five years on, here I am at the start of my writing up period.  I’ve learned so much over the past five years; much of which I think I’ll only fully appreciate as I begin the long process of putting it all down on paper.  It’s an exciting time for me; time when all of my reading, thinking and data collection finally comes together. Right now, it’s all scattered across numerous books, various computer files, and, of course, all around my brain!  This is the year, I pull it all together, process it finally and produce the (hopefully!) sense-making thesis.

Scattered workings of a PhD
There have been times over the last five years, when I’ve doubted myself and wondered why I ever embarked on such a huge project.  Times when I’ve felt privileged to be talking to many of my research participants.  Times when I’ve felt hugely excited and the new learnings, connections and discoveries I was making.  Times when I’ve not been able to see my way through it, out of it, under it; times when I’ve felt completely lost within the forest of knowledge. 

And here I am now, seeing daylight and feeling freedom.  I’m at the edge of the trees & ahead of me is a beautiful open meadow, which I’ve stepped on to today when I typed up my thesis title page … 153 words down, just another  99,847 to go!!

I know that although I’m now walking through the open meadow, there are going to be many storms ahead.  I have no doubt that I have frustrating, doubting and disheartening days ahead of me when the storm clouds descend; I also know though that there will be many exciting, enlightening and satisfying days too full of sunshine.

And right now, the sun is shining, and I’m full of excited anticipation as I wonder just how my thesis will turn out and what I will find in there.

Please come along with me as I begin my journey across Thesis Meadow …

Happy New Year 2013 ...

January 1st 2013 and here I am sitting at my computer, listening to Curtis Stigers’ ‘Let’s Go Out Tonight,’ and gathering my thoughts and intentions for the coming year.
Myself and Curtis Stigers
Photo kindly taken by Matthew Fries,
Curtis' fabulous piano player
Bradford, April 2012

Curtis Stigers & his fabulous band, signing autographs
 on the concourse, The Sage, March 2012
John 'Scrapper' Schneider, Cliff Schmitt, Keith Hall,
Curtis Stigers & Matthew Fries
I'm very aware that across 2012 this blog drifted from its initial concept; but it seems that that was a reflection of my recent reconnection with my musical self. Music has always been a hugely important part of my life, but over recent years other things had taken priority; mostly my therapy trainings and PhD.  Back in March 2012, a very unexpected and exciting encounter at The Sage, Gateshead (thanks in part, to Curtis Stigers and his band!), opened me back up to my musical creativity and since then I’ve found myself being able to write songs again (the lyrics of some of which I’ve posted on here in previous entries), playing my guitar and piano much more and joining a choir. 

Countdown to flash mob Auld Lang Syne
I ended 2012 performing to an almost sell-out show in Hall One of The Sage, as part of a choir backing an Abba Tribute band; and I & started 2013 singing Auld Lang Syne as part of a 3-part-harmony flash mob performance with my choir.  It seemed like the perfect ending and beginning for me …

Party on The Sage concourse with the  James Taylor quartet

2013 feels like an important year for me, and one which I am looking forward to with excitement, hope, and apprehension; I turn 40 and I (hopefully!) complete my PhD.  I know it’s going to be a challenging, frustrating yet ultimately satisfying year if I am able to complete my thesis over these next 12 months.  To do this though, I need to be focused and organised.  My thesis hasto take priority across 2013, although I also need to ensure I have fun and freedom too!  And for me, the downtime is going to be filled with music.

I intend to commit to writing regularly on here again, and I suspect my entries will focus on my thesis progression, my continuously developing thoughts around it as me, my data and my computer become even more intimately connected! 
Elsie & I studying together

I also though, want to ensure that these entries reflect the musical progression in my life too … and who knows what 2013 has in store there!!

The piano playing cat
And of course, tangled in all of this will be Elsie, my cat, who turns up wherever and whatever I’m doing; studying, songwriting, & whatever else I happen to be doing, she'll be there with me!

Wishing you all a fabulous 2013 filled with love, happiness & lots of nice surprises, x